My health journey has been a very gradual change. I am still growing and will keep educating myself how to make the best food choices for my own family.
Friends and family always ask me “why” I choose to do and eat certain things. It’s actually why I started this blog.
I want to bring up topics you may have never thought of before. To open your mind into questioning the narrative of our Standard American Diet. To consider the traditional ways of cooking and the essential benefits from how our ancestors used to live and eat.
I have a better understanding of the food I feed my family now because of the research I have done. I am always learning and growing and I encourage you to as well.
Ask questions. Don’t take my posts as facts. Please research for yourself and make your own decisions on how best to feed you and your family.
My goal on my blog is to give you simple options for eating healthier, in a from scratch style that you may have never thought of before. I’m here to encourage you as you desire to make small changes to you or your family’s health.
My intentions on this blog are not to make anyone feel unworthy or less for how they chose to eat or feed their family. Instead, I hope to be an encouragement in your kitchen and a resource for healthy alternatives.
I hope to show you that there are other options out there and it’s not outside your reach to make healthy foods in your own home. It can be simple if you make small changes over time.
I hope you stick around, and maybe find some new techniques to add to your weekly cooking routine. You just may enjoy your new routine, and realize you’re making more things from scratch than you ever thought you would.
Remember to keep it simple, because that is gourmet!
Check out why our family chooses to eat the way we do:
Why Bone Broth?
Why Fats?
Why Fermentation?
Why Organic, Grass Fed, Pasture Raised?
Why Organic?
Why Raw Dairy?
Why Real Sugar?
Why Soak and Sprout?
Why Sourdough?
Why Unrefined Salt?